Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Controller
The SPM controller is a dedicated electronics, developed specifically for the operation of scanning probe microscopes – instruments which are widely
used in the field of surface analytics („Nanotechnology“). While various types of scanning probe microscopes exists, SPMs are generally capable of
determining pyhsical properties of a given sample on the atomic scale. In a tyical application, a SPM is used to determine the atomic lattice of a
sample, measure its electronic properties on the nanometer scale, and manipulate single atoms on the surface of the sample. The resolution of an SPM
is typically significantly less than one nanometer (one billionth of a meter).
At the interfaces between these types of microscopes and the necessary control units, ultra low currents (pA) and voltages (µV) need to be dealt with
at highest precision. In addition to the resulting demands to the analog signal procession, the main challenge of the scanning probe controller rests
in the software support of komplex physical experiments and the visual and algorithmic evaluation of measurement data.
Highest precision analog signal processing with a SNR of 120dB
Real time data processing using digital signal processing and FPGAs
Data transfer to user PC using high speed USB2.0 (480MBit)